Screening selection of enhanced oil recovery methods based on analytics of worldwide oilfield data with reference to offshore oil fields in Vietnam
Doan Huy Hien, Hoang Long, Pham Quy Ngoc Vietnam Petroleum Institute Email:


Selecting a proper enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method for a prospective reservoir is a key factor for successful application of EOR techniques. Reservoir engineers usually refer to screening guidelines to identify potential EOR processes for a given reservoir. However, these guidelines are often too general. In this study, we develop an advanced EOR screening technique based on the statistical analyses with boxplot in combination with some initial deep learning analyses to select the most suitable EOR method for a given mature oil field. At first, a database and the screening guidelines were established by compiling the information of 1,098 EOR projects from various publications in different languages, including Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ) biannual EOR surveys, SPE publications, DOE reports, and Chinese publications, etc. Boxplots were used to detect the special cases for each reservoir/fluid property and to present the graphical screen
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